Daily Horse Rides

Daily Guided Trail Rides for the Summer Season start June 24th and end September 6th.
On top of all of our back-country pack trips, we also offer daily guided trail rides that start at our June Lake pack station base.
We have three different options available:
June Lake Hour Long Horse Back Rides
Join us for a leisurely trek though meadows and sagebrush at the base of the Sierra and along scenic Rush Creek. This ride is ideal for the beginning rider and for younger children. Children age 8 and up can ride their own horse.
One Hour Trail Rides $60 per horse – Start Times: 9:00am, 10:30am, 1:00pm, 2:30pm, 4:00pm Daily
June Lake Half Day Horse Back Rides
Spend an unhurried morning with us as we ride to the top of Parker Bench, where you will experience unmatchable views of Mono Lake and the Mono Craters. This trip is ideal for the occasional, beginner, or intermediate rider looking for a “comfortable challenge”.
Half-Day Trail Rides $120 per person – Times: 8:30am – 12:20pm (Rides leaving at 1:00pm are also available)
June Lake Full Day Horse Back Rides
Feeling adventurous? Then join us for an all day excursion into the High Sierra backcountry. Travel with our crew past Agnew Lake to Gem lake and Crest Creek. Spend the afternoon fishing, picnicking, swimming, or just relaxing in the shade of a majestic pine tree on the shores of Gem Lake. Return home in the afternoon in time for dinner. This trip gives you a real taste of the beauty of the Ansel Adams Wilderness.
Full Day Trail Rides $175 per person – Time: 7:30am – 5:00pm